Saturday, April 26, 2008

My best exercise bike Reviews

There are two basic types of exercises, strength training Exercises and aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises increases your heart rate through rapid movement of large muscles. The two type of aerobic exercises are: Weight-bearing � such as walking jogging or skipping, this sort of exercise is where muscles will work against the force of gravity. The other is Non-weight-bearing � gravity is non existent in this type of exercise, these are exercises such as swimming or riding a bike. Strength training exercises are used mainly to increase the tone, power and efficiency of the muscles by toning isolated muscles against resistance.

best exercise bike

Aerobic conditioning is very specific to the muscles being worked. For example, you can walk ten miles a day and still be somewhat breathless after climbing stairs because you haven't trained the muscles for that specific movement. Aerobic cross-training allows you to develop more comprehensive aerobic training.

No study has been more conclusive about the role of lifestyle changes (diet and exercise) in preventing diabetes than the Diabetes Prevention Program. It was a study of more than 3,000 individuals at high risk for diabetes who lost 12-15 pounds and walked 150 minutes per week (five 30-minute walks per day) for three years. They reduced their risk of diabetes by 58%! That's significant considering there are 1 million new cases of diabetes diagnosed each year. Aerobic exercise can also improve insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a condition where the body doesn't use insulin properly, and this condition can occur in individuals who do and do not have diabetes. Insulin is a hormone that helps the cells in the body convert glucose (sugar) to energy. Many studies have shown the positive effects of exercise on insulin resistance. In one, 28 obese postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes did aerobic exercise for 16 weeks, three times per week, for 45-60 minutes, and their insulin sensitivity improved by 20%.

Aerobic cross-training is beneficial to you in several ways:It provides variety which eliminates the monotony often associated with doing the same exercise for a long period of time.If your exercise sessions are less monotonous and more enjoyable, you are much more likely to exercise more often and for longer periods of time.You are less prone to over-use injuries that sometimes occur from doing the same exercise movements over and over again.

climbing stair

Yes, it's true. It's a scientifically proven fact that muscle proteins are broken down and used for energy during aerobic exercise. However don't worry, you are constantly breaking down and re building muscle tissue anyway. This process is called "protein turnover." Your body is constantly alternating back and forth between anabolic (building) and catabolic (breaking down) cycles. That's just a normal part of life. Your goal is simply to tip the scales slightly in favor of increasing the anabolic side and reducing the catabolic side just enough so you remain on the anabolic side and you gain or at least maintain muscle.

exercise bike
steel flex
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